Package-level declarations


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Creates random UUID.

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fun currentTimeInIso8601(clock: Clock = Clock.System): String

Current time in ISO 8601 format.

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fun currentTimeInMillis(clock: Clock = Clock.System): Long

Current time in millis.

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fun decodeFromBase64(encodedContent: String): String?

Decodes given base64 encoded content.

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fun decodeFromUTF8Hex(encodedContent: String): String

Decodes given UTF-8 (hex) encoded content.

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Encodes given content to base64.

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Encodes given content to UTF-8 (hex).

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fun fileMD5(filepath: String, fileSystem: FileSystem = FileSystem.SYSTEM): String

Creates MD5 hash of given file.

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fun fileSHA1(filepath: String, fileSystem: FileSystem = FileSystem.SYSTEM): String

Creates SHA1 hash of given file.

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fun fileSHA256(filepath: String, fileSystem: FileSystem = FileSystem.SYSTEM): String

Creates SHA256 hash of given file.

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fun fileSHA512(filepath: String, fileSystem: FileSystem = FileSystem.SYSTEM): String

Creates SHA512 hash of given file.

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Converts time in ISO 8601 format to millis.

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fun main(args: Array<String>)

Entry point for native application.

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Pretty prints given Cookie header value.

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fun prettyPrintJson(jsonString: String): String

Pretty prints given json string.

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fun stringMD5(content: String): String

Creates MD5 hash of given string.

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fun stringSHA1(content: String): String

Creates SHA1 hash of given string.

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fun stringSHA256(content: String): String

Creates SHA256 hash of given string.

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fun stringSHA512(content: String): String

Creates SHA512 hash of given string.

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fun timeInMillisToIso8601(timeInMillis: Long): String

Converts time in millis to ISO 8601 format.